Hello there,
Its been years since the last time I actually blog. That was circa 2004 if I'm not mistaken. I was forced to quit after some jerk hacked my blog and started posting under my account. I kinda lost my groove writing or I might say ranting about senseless stuffs. I felt like its pointless. Its not like people actually care about my opinion or anything. I mean, come on, I'm nobody.
Whenever I chill with my friends and telling them how crazy "this escapade I had", or "the crazy trip I took" or "just another misfortune accident I managed to get into". They always say "write it down so that few years from now, You'll be able to relive your sick, sorry-ass--but-fun-life". But lately I felt like my life is getting really boring. No fun being a grown-up.
I told my boyfriend one day "Hey I'm pretty fashionable, maybe I should start a fashion blog".
He replied "Oh Hell no! You're not cut out for that stuff"
Well I guess he's right. I dress ok but I have no opinion when it comes to that.
So I guess after careful consideration, and some convincing talks from my awesome friends. Here I am back in blogsphere.
In this blog, I will post couple of pictures, rant about basically anything under the sun.
Don't expect too much from me. I'm not here to please anybody.
Welcome to my madness.